Our Story

From initial plans in 2002 to our grand opening in 2019 – this is our story

The Grange Park area, located in south-west Loughborough, was a growing residential development with no local facilities

2002, May – William Davis Limited was granted planning permission for ‘land south of Loughborough and north of Woodthorpe, off Haddon Way and Manor Road, Loughborough’. P/00/2078/2.

2009, June – William Davis Limited was granted planning permission for the ‘Local centre comprising flats over shops, place of worship, health centre, community hall and associated parking’. P/09/0233/2. Land was set aside for a period of 10 years but relied on organizations or individuals to come forward with a strong business plan to build these facilities. If this did not happen the S106b agreement was worded in such a way that the land could reverted to houses.

2006 to 2017 Community Consultations conducted by HWRA Residents Association and Reside Faith group indicated a strong desire by local people to the idea of a community centre.

A ten year journey to engage with local residents and secure funding to enable the delivery of a much needed community centre

2013, July – Independent Assessment of Community Need in the Shelthorpe Ward was carried out by John Leney Associates. The recommendations were:

  • Community activities at venues like churches and schools need to be coordinated.
  • Outreach support should be brought in where it cannot be provided by the community.
  • A new community facility is needed in the area.

2013, September – Feasibility Study carried out by Geoff Birch Associates.

2014, July – Grange Park Centre was set up as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

2017, September – Community consultation event held on the proposed site. 500+ attendees.

2018, February – Charnwood Borough Council unanimously approved the Grange Park Centre planning application.

2018, March – £500,000 Reaching Communities Buildings Fund awarded by the Big Lottery.

Becoming The Arc in 2019 – from first foundations to finishing touches, all within 12 months

2019, January – Construction begins 21 January 2019

2019, JulyFundraising total stood at over £700,000, including £500,000 from the Big Lottery, and £9,000 from the local community sponsor-a-brick campaign.

2019, December – Construction finally complete.