Hi Everyone,
We hope you are all enjoying the summer months! Did you attend the Beer Festival at The Arc at the weekend?
The Beer Festival was something new for The Arc and was well attended. We saw lots of happy faces and received lots of positive feedback. It was great to see new people too! Our outside space was utilised as we were very lucky with the weather. The festival spanned a day and a half with an enthusiast session on the Friday evening, family session with face painting and games on the Saturday and adults only Saturday evening. Thank you to all those involved and those who attended!
What’s next? We are always very busy at The Arc and we have 2 more events over the summer holidays.
Next week, Tuesday 30th July, we will be showing the film Wonka. This is a free event, so if you would like to come and watch the film for free please call or text us on 07562467356 or message us on Facebook. Places are limited so booking is essential.
On Tuesday 13th August will be hosting a Community Day. The Police and Fire Service will be joining us and there will be opportunities for children to see a police car and fire engine up close! We will also be joined by local stalls and there will be a café and games. Entrance is free with some activities having a small charge.
We are also already turning our attentions to Halloween and Christmas, along with planning a wellbeing week. Watch this space!
We hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,
The Arc Community Hub.