Welcome to
The Arc

Where Community
Comes to Life

The spark for friendship, fun and laughter
and a safe space for help and support.

At a Glance

The vision of Grange Park Centre Charity is to create:

A PLACE to learn new skills

A PLACE to find help and support

A PLACE to keep fit

A PLACE to hold birthday parties

A PLACE to meet other new mums

A PLACE to meet friends.

Together, we can make a difference
in our community


Peter Coates Foundation Fast Forward Programme Msc in Enrepreneurship Staffordshire University
Peter Coates Foundation Fast Forward Programme Msc in Enrepreneurship Staffordshire University
Peter Coates Foundation Fast Forward Programme Msc in Enrepreneurship Staffordshire University

Our Purpose

Grange Park Centre charity exists to help people to come together sustaining a stronger community

Our Vision & Values

Grange Park Centre charity operates the Arc Community Hub to provide a place of:

  • Collaboration and support for those who want to build cohesion
  • Opportunity and engagement for those who want to help
  • Learning and skills for those who want to grow
  • Sanctuary and calm for those who seek peace
  • Well-being and sport for those who want to be energised
  • Activities and fun for those who want to be entertained
  • Dependability and trust for those who seek advice
  • Connection, contact, inclusion and friendliness for everyone

We endeavour to operate the charity and maintain the hub in a way that is economically and environmentally sustainable, compliant, transparent, accessible and safe for all users, staff and volunteers.

We seek to encourage and support volunteers, service providers and local businesses who can help to meet the needs of the community.

We have the highest expectations of all our staff and provide support that will enable them to develop professionally and personally to deliver excellence in all our services.

Our Mission

  • We believe that a strong community is one that supports itself – we will always encourage and facilitate groups to build and develop capacity to meet community need
  • Where we see a demand that cannot be met by working with partners or through community self-action, we will consider acting directly to create groups and activities to fill the void until these can be autonomous and self-sustaining